
Kristie Pfosi: International Women's Day 2022

mar 8, 2022, 09:38
In recognition of International Women's Day, Aptiv's Director of Cybersecurity, Kristie Pfosi, explains the importance of diversity in technology and the opportunities available to women.
In recognition of International Women's Day, Aptiv's Director of Cybersecurity, Kristie Pfosi, explains the importance of diversity in technology and the opportunities available to women.
In recognition of International Women's Day, Aptiv's Director of Cybersecurity, Kristie Pfosi, explains the importance of diversity in technology and the opportunities available to women.
Title : Kristie Pfosi: International Women's Day 2022
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Insight published date : mar 8, 2022, 09:38
In recognition of International Women's Day, Aptiv's Director of Cybersecurity, Kristie Pfosi, explains the importance of diversity in technology and the opportunities available to women.
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