Aptiv CES 2024 Highlights
janv. 23, 2024, 13:33
Software-defined vehicles on the streets of Las Vegas. Industry-leading high-voltage technologies in a live demonstrator vehicle. Cloud-based software updates enabled by Wind River. Relive four days of game-changing Aptiv technologies in 72 seconds.
Software-defined vehicles on the streets of Las Vegas. Industry-leading high-voltage technologies in a live demonstrator vehicle. Cloud-based software updates enabled by Wind River. Relive four days of game-changing Aptiv technologies in 72 seconds.
Software-defined vehicles on the streets of Las Vegas. Industry-leading high-voltage technologies in a live demonstrator vehicle. Cloud-based software updates enabled by Wind River. Relive four days of game-changing Aptiv technologies in 72 seconds.
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Aptiv CES 2024 Highlights
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janv. 22, 2024, 20:07
Software-defined vehicles on the streets of Las Vegas. Industry-leading high-voltage technologies in a live demonstrator vehicle. Cloud-based software updates enabled by Wind River. Relive four days of game-changing Aptiv technologies in 72 seconds.
Insights Topics :
- Software
- Vehicle Electrification
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